October 4th – Politics: The Golden Calf

October 4th - Politics: The Golden Calf

Summary: In today’s Old Testament reading, Isaiah writes about the relationship between God and Israel. The people of Israel were afraid and insecure and sought calm and safety by following things other than God. The Bible teaches us that the ultimate well being is found through faith in the true living God – not through the worship of false gods. This parallels what we see in modern day. With the decline of Christianity in America, many people are putting faith in political ideologies. The goals of Christians – justice, caring for the poor, and peace – intersect with politics. However, we must remember to seek first the kingdom of God.  Politics is important, but it is not of ultimate significance.

The 18th Sunday after Pentecost – October 4th, 2020

The Order of Worship

Prelude: Allegro Moderato Sonata #13 in A

Greeting Opening Hymn: “Canticle of the Turning”

Prayer of the Day

Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 5:1-7

Gospel Reading: Matthew 21:33-46

Children’s Message

Anthem: “Lord, From Your Hand”, English Folk Melody

The Sermon: “Politics: The Golden Calf”

Sermon Hymn: “Where Cross the Crowded Way of Life”

The Prayers & The Lord’s Prayer


Sending Hymn: “You Servants of God”


Organ Postlude: Voluntary in E flat, by Michael Graham


Recent Sermons


  1. Connie Toveerud : October 4, 2020 at 6:52 am

    “Our object is to serve Christ.” These words were embellished in many different ways in a very timely sermon. We are in a time of unknown outcomes, unknown methods, hoped for and unknown political results. Despite all of these situations, Pastor Dan demanded in his sermons that “our object is to servce Christ.” A very necessary sermon!

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