Nov 2023

What is the Bible? – Divisions, Books, Chapters, and Verses Since ancient times, the Bible has been separated into books. In the late Middle Ages, each book was divided for easy reference into larger chapters, and a few centuries later the chapters were further divided into smaller verses. The translation the Lutheran Church uses is called the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV). This is based on a series of English translations of the Bible – first was The King James translation (17th century) which uses Elizabethan English. In the 1950s, a new......
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May 17, 2023
Apologetics: Pointers to Faith (Conclusion)
Pointers to Faith – Making Sense of Life and our Experience in the World Class Date: May 17, 2023 The Christian Faith is not primarily about the “fact” that there is a God. It is...
May 10, 2023
Apologetics Part 3 – Common Arguments Against the Christian Faith
In this class, Dan addresses some of the arguments offered that have led many to abandon the church. Many of these arguments have been around for a long time. One argument that is widely cited...
May 03, 2023
Apologetics Part II – Understanding Who Creates Faith
In this class, Pastor Dan explores the cultural context that was present during the time of C.S. Lewis, that was commonly referred to as “modernity”. This was an age in which people generally assumed that...
April 26, 2023
Apologetics – Making Sense of the Christian Faith
The sub-category of Christian theology known as “Apologetics” is based on a Greek word meaning to make a defense. There have been many perspectives that have been offered in order to discredit the Christian faith....
April 12, 2023
Conclusion: Modern Day American Christian Identity
Christian Identity: Mainliners, Evangelicals, and the Global South Class Date: April 12, 2023 By the early years of the 21st century, most of the world’s Christians lived outside of North America and Europe. How this...
April 05, 2023
Part 7: The 1960s and the Decline of the Mainline Denominations
The United States was extremely divided at the time of the American Civil War (1861-1864), however there was one thing that both the north and the south held in common. They were overwhelmingly Protestant. In...
March 29, 2023
Part 6: Protestantism in the Post WWII Era
The social changes that impacted the United States following World War II also impacted the Protestant churches in America. As the population of the United States swelled, so did the demand for new churches in...
March 01, 2023
Part 5 – Missionary Boomerang
Missionary Boomerang: Mainline Reactions to Foreign Cultures Class Date: March 1, 2023 There is no doubt that people in western cultures believed their civilization and way of life to be superior to those of others....
February 15, 2023
Part 4 – A Transformed Vision of American Leadership
As we discussed in previous classes, American culture, politics and economics developed largely under the influence of Protestantism. Protestant churches became the centers of community life as waves of immigrants came to the United States....