in Advent
Living in the Assurance
November 27th, 2022 – The First Sunday in Advent Jesus describes his second coming as a sudden, turbulent event that will bring about deep change to our normal, day-to-day lives. Therefore, he urges people to...
in Advent
Surprised by Joy
The 4th Sunday of Advent December 19th, 2021 Order of Worship Prelude: “Angel Gabriel” by Paul Manz and Noel Rawsthorne “Of the Father’s Love Begotten”, by Aaron David Miller Greeting Lighting of the Fourth Advent...
in Advent
Amongst a Mess… Comes Christmas
The 3rd Sunday of Advent December 12th, 2021 A special note of thanks to the North Tasmania Lutheran Parish for the original script of today’s Children’s Program Order of Worship Prelude Greeting Lighting of the...
in Advent
Taking a Road Less Travelled
The 2nd Sunday of Advent December 5th, 2021 Order of Worship Prelude “Veni Emmanuel”, by Charles Callahan and Paul Manz Greeting Lighting of the Second Advent Candle “Peace” Opening Hymn “On Jordan’s Banks the Baptist’s...
in Advent
Staring at the Sun
The 1st Sunday of Advent November 28th, 2021 Order of Worship Prelude Greeting Lighting of the First Advent Candle “Hope” Opening Hymn “Wide, Awake, for Night is Flying” Apostolic Greeting Prayer of the Day Old...
in Advent
Advent 4: A Model of Faith
Summary: Today’s sermon reviews Luke’s account of the Annunciation to Mary. Luke reveals that nothing is too wonderful for God. Luke also assures us that what we are in the world is irrelevant to God’s...
in Advent
Advent 3: The Heart of the Christian Faith
Summary: The Gospel of John often refers to Jesus as the light. Like a light, faith in Jesus allows us to see things we could not see otherwise. It is through the work of the...
in Advent
Advent 2: The Spirituality of Faith
Summary: The Gospel of Mark begins with John the Baptist. John’s message is about what a person needs to do to receive the God News. How does the Good News become a reality for us? ...
in Advent
November 29: The Apocalypse: Nightmare or Celebration?
Summary: The Advent season focuses on two events: waiting for the birth of Jesus and waiting for the second coming of Christ. Advent is about living in Hope. Because of the ministry of Christ, life...