Freedom to be Yourself
Second Sunday after Pentecost, Sunday, June 6, 2021 Order of Worship: Prelude “Let Us Break Bread Together”, by Richard Proulx, Charles Callhan Greeting – Recognition of Graduates Opening Hymn “Rise, Shine You People” Apostolic Greeting...
Born From Above
Holy Trinity Sunday – May 30th, 2021 Order of Worship: Prelude “Holy , Holy, Holy”, by Piet Post Greeting Opening Hymn “Holy, Holy, Holy” Apostolic Greeting Prayer of the Day Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 6:1-8...
November 22: Identity Politics in Matthew
Summary: In today’s parable from Matthew we once again learn that Jesus identifies with the least in the community, not with the powerful. As Christians, we are called to minister to those who are left...
November 15 – The Risky Investments of Faith
Summary: Today’s sermon text is a parable from the book of Matthew which teaches that we are called to invest our faith to share the gospel message. The problem is that people today are expected...
November 8 – Keeping Faith in Good and Hard Times
Summary: Great fear, such as that experienced in times of war, may drive people to acknowledge God, but fear cannot be the foundation for someone to come to God. It does not create a lasting...
October 25, 2020 – A Reflection on Faith, Part 2
Summary: Continuing reflections on faith. Faith is a word that can have many different meanings. The English dictionary defines faith as believing in things we do not know – but the bible definition is a...
October 18, 2020 – A Reflection on Faith
Summary: At any point in our lives, we have no idea what the future holds. God alone directs our future. Today’s bible readings reveal that we need to view our circumstances in life through the...
October 11, 2020 – The Final Victory
Summary: Why do bad things happen to good people? Philosophers have offered many different theories on the answer to this question over the ages. Christianity defines “good people” as not those who commit good deeds,...
October 4th – Politics: The Golden Calf
Summary: In today’s Old Testament reading, Isaiah writes about the relationship between God and Israel. The people of Israel were afraid and insecure and sought calm and safety by following things other than God. The...
September 27th-Attitude Adjustment
Summary: Today’s bible readings explore our ability to change our behavior. Often, we look to blame others for our circumstances, but blame does not get us anywhere. We need confession, forgiveness, and grace for redemption....