Advent Children’s Message – Hope
In today’s bible lesson Jesus tells a story about Hope. He tells us that we must have hope for the future, just as the trees that bud in the spring have a promise for new...
November 22nd Children’s Message
Jesus teaches us that we should help those in need, including the hungry, the homeless, and the sick. We should treat them as we would treat Jesus.
November 22: Identity Politics in Matthew
Summary: In today’s parable from Matthew we once again learn that Jesus identifies with the least in the community, not with the powerful. As Christians, we are called to minister to those who are left...
November 15 Children’s Message
Pastor Dan discusses the Parable of the Talents from the book of Matthew. He shares how God gives each of us talents and gifts, and that we should grow these talents and share them with...
November 15 – The Risky Investments of Faith
Summary: Today’s sermon text is a parable from the book of Matthew which teaches that we are called to invest our faith to share the gospel message. The problem is that people today are expected...
November 8th Children’s Message
In this week’s lesson, Pastor Dan talks about the parable of the 10 Bridesmaids as told in the gospel of Matthew. He teaches that we should be prepared for anything that happens in our lives....
November 8 – Keeping Faith in Good and Hard Times
Summary: Great fear, such as that experienced in times of war, may drive people to acknowledge God, but fear cannot be the foundation for someone to come to God. It does not create a lasting...
November 1 Children’s Message
Pastor Dan teaches the children how Jesus warns us not to be a “show-off”. Instead, we should be humble.
November 1: What is a Saint?
Summary: What is a saint? The Reformation ushered in a new idea of who could be considered a saint. All who live in Christ are considered saints, but we are also sinners due to the...
October 25, 2020 – A Reflection on Faith, Part 2
Summary: Continuing reflections on faith. Faith is a word that can have many different meanings. The English dictionary defines faith as believing in things we do not know – but the bible definition is a...