Divine Love Lives In Us
The 4th Sunday of Easter – April 25, 2021
The size of the Christian Church has been dwindling in recent years. The influence of the church on politics has also diminished. Some academics have theorized that the Christian Church is no longer relevant to people. This misses the fact that faith is not something we decide. Faith is an idea that happens because of God’s influence on our hearts. Even people that reject Christianity share the values that originated with the Christian faith. God can change our hearts and turn us into people that seek the good in others. When we are alienated from God, with are stuck with ourselves and our selfish motivations. But God is greater than our hearts and he can turn guilt and shame into a new, clean heart. As we turn to God for grace and mercy, his spirit will work in us to crate a new start. When we have faith are are conformed to God’s image and have the gifts of love and eternal life.
Order of Worship
Prelude: “Allegretto”, by Franz Shubert and “Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us”, arr. by Dale Wood
Opening Hymn “Christ is Made the Sure Foundation”
Prayer of the Day
1st Reading: 1 John 3:16-24
Gospel Reading: John 10: 11-18
Anthem for Earth Day: “God, the Sculptor of the Mountains” and “Touch the Earth Lightly”
Sermon: “Divine Love Lives in Us”
Sermon Hymn: “The Lord’s My Shepherd”
Prayers and The Lord’s Prayer
Sending Hymn: “Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us”
Postlude: “Blest be the Tie That Binds”, Hans G. Nageli, arr. by Sally DeFord
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