Easter – “The Great Awakening”

Easter - "The Great Awakening"

Easter Sunday – April 4, 2021

There were two periods of “awakening” in American history.  The people who experienced “awakening” were going through hardships.  Their search for “new life was a search for something deeper.  This was a time when people were “waking up” to more meaningful lives.  Likewise, when Mary discovered that Jesus was alive, this was an “awakening”.  It was not just Jesus that arose from the dead – It was the disciples and those that experienced Jesus’ resurrection that also had an awaking.  They had become aware of something that completely changed their lives.  They were transformed from people wo were afraid to those who went out to spread the good news.  They were called to let other know that Christ brings new life – and eternal life in heaven.  A life in Christ means that we have someone present that can bring new life to our souls.  Because he lives – we live also!

Order of Worship

Easter Prelude


Easter Introit: “An Easter Introit”, Melchior Vulpius, Arr. by H. Hopson

Opening Hymn ” Jesus Christ is Risen Today”, with handbell accompaniment

Prayer of the Day

Hand Bell Anthem: “I Know that my Redeemer Lives”, Arr. by T. Beck

Gospel reading: John 20:1-18

Choir Anthem: “Begin the Song of Glory Now”, Alfred Fedak and Jaroslav Vajda

Sermon: “The Great Awakening”

Sermon Hymn “Now All the Vault of Heaven Resounds”

Prayers and The Lord’s Prayer


Sending Hymn: “Thine is the Glory”


Postlude: “Fanfare”, John Cook, 1952


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