Mary and Martha

Mary and Martha

The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost July 17th, 2022

Today, we welcome Pastor Moses Penumaka. Rev Penumaka began his ministry in India as a youth director, served as a lecturer at the Leonard Theological College, and as secretary of the Student Christian Movement of India (1985-2000). In 2005, he came to the US to serve as the mission development pastor at Good Shepherd Asian Ministry in Fremont. He is currently a professor and the Director of Theological Education for Emerging Ministries (TEEM) at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkley.


Prelude: “Shall We Gather at the River”, Charles Callahan and Michael Larkin


Gathering Hymn: “Shall We Gather at the River”

Apostolic Greeting

Hymn of Praise

Prayer of the Day

First Reading: Genesis 18:1-10a

Second Reading: Colossians 1:15-28

Choir Anthem: “Lord, Let me Heart be Good Soil”

Children’s Time

Gospel Acclamation and GOSPEL: Luke 10:38-42

Sermon: Rev. Dr. Moses Penumaka

Sermon Hymn: “I, the Lord of Sea and Sky”

Apostles Creed

Prayers and The Lord’s Prayer

The Benediction

Sending Hymn: “Day by Day”


Postlude: “Day by Day”, by Dale Wood


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