Palm Sunday: God’s Response to Suffering

Palm Sunday: God's Response to Suffering

Description: In the early Christian Church, the more that people became Christian martyrs, the faster the church expanded. For Christian’s suffering is not an obstacle to faith, but rather an entry point. When we are in need, we turn to Christ to help us and discover his presence. The early Christians found Christ in their suffering. The meaning of the cross is to is of a person who took on our suffering , misery, and sins so we could be healed. This is an essential aspect of our faith. Suffering is not a reason to abandon our faith, but rather the reason we live in solidarity with Christians and show love to all peoples.

Palm Sunday & The Sunday of the Passion – March 28, 2021

Order of Worship:

Prelude: The Palms, Faure

Greeting and first lesson: Mark 11:6b-10

Opening Hymn: “All Glory Laud and Honor”

Prayer of the Day

Hand bell Choir: “Come Ye Faithful”

Gospel Reading: Mark: 15:25-26, 33-39

Choir Anthem: “Hymn for Palm Sunday”, Craig Courtney


Sermon Hymn: “Were You There”

The Prayers and the Lord’s Prayer


Sending Hymn: “Beneath the Cross of Jesus”


Postlude: “O Sacred Head, Prelude in C minor”, Bach


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