

The 6th Sunday of Easter May 22nd, 2022

In the gospel text for this Sunday, Jesus tells his disciples that he will soon be leaving them because he is returning to the Father. Nevertheless, he promises them that he will be present with them in another way, and that this will give them peace. The disciples question this. How can they experience peace for their troubled and fearful minds when the one who gives them peace will be absent?

Jesus answers their question by assuming them they they will continue to live in the assurance of his presence in their hearts and minds through faith. The Father will send the Holy Spirit, who will continue to teach them and remind them of all he has said to them. For this reason it is also essential for us to hear God’s word, read it, and continue in prayer. This is what gives us the faith we need to calm our troubled spirits, and experience the peace that passes understanding.


Prelude: “Spring Pastorales”, Eric Thiman and Robert Schumann


Gathering Hymn: “Come, Thou Almighty King”

*Apostolic Greeting Hymn of Praise

*Prayer of the Day

FIRST READING: Acts 16:9-15

SECOND READING: Revelation 21:10, 22,:1-5

Choir Anthem: “Peace be with You”, Music by Don Schlosser, Text by Shirley Erena Murray

Children’s Time

Gospel Acclamation

*GOSPEL: John 14:23-29

Sermon: “Peace” – Pastor Dan Severson

*Sermon Hymn: “Holy Spirit Ever Dwelling”

*Apostles Creed

Prayers and The Lord’s Prayer

*The Benediction

*Sending Hymn: ”The Spirit Sends Us Forth to Serve”


Postlude: “The Strife is O’er”, by David N. Johnson and Noel Rawsthorne


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