Shunning or Reconciliation

Shunning or Reconciliation

November 20th, 2022 – Christ the King Sunday

Today’s sermon text is taken from Luke’s version of the passion story. The two criminals crucified next to Jesus react to their situation very differently. One is angry and wants Jesus to save him. The other is repentant and asks Jesus to remember him when he comes into his kingdom. Jesus does not react to the first one. To the second he says, “Today you will be with me in paradise.” Because of God’s willingness to pay the price for sin through the suffering of Christ, the criminal is reconciled to God, and promised a place in the only kingdom that has no end.


Prelude: “Andante” from Sonata in D, Mozart


Confession and Forgiveness

Opening Hymn: “I was There to Hear Your Borning Cry”

Apostolic Greeting

Hymn of Praise

Prayer of the Day

First Reading: Jeremiah 23:1-6

Second Reading: Colossians 1:11-20

Special Music: “Allegro Molto”, from Sonata in D, Mozart

Children’s Time

Bell Choir: “Come You Thankful People Come”, “Now Thank We All Our God”

Gospel Acclamation and Gospel Reading: Luke 23:33-43

Sermon: “Shunning or Reconciliation”, Pastor Dan Severson

Sermon Hymn: “Soon and Very Soon”

The Apostles Creed

The Prayers of the Church

The Words of Institution

The Lord’s Prayer

Communion Distribution

Post Communion Prayer


Sending Hymn: “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come”


Postlude: “Allegro”, from Sonata in D, Mozart


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