We Walk By Faith

We Walk By Faith

The Third Sunday of Pentecost – June 13th, 2021

This Sunday’s message focuses on two parables.  Jesus compares the kingdom of God to the plants sown by a farmer in the field. While the farmer plants the seeds, they grow and sprout apart from anything he does. So, the kingdom of God is growing among us in a way we cannot understand. However, we can see its effects just as we can see the seed turn into the grain of the field. Similarly, Jesus compares the kingdom to a mustard seed. While it is the smallest of seeds, it grows into the largest shrub in the field.

These two metaphors represent how the rule of God’s love and grace in our lives grows through our faith as it strengthens over time.  What is the seed of God’s kingdom? The victory over human suffering, sin and death that was planted by God in Christ when he rose victorious on Easter morning.  It gives us hope, strength, and the ability to persist because our faith is based on this victory.

Order of Worship

Prelude “My Faith Looks Up to Thee”, by David Hegarty


Opening Hymn “Oh, Worship the King”

Apostolic Greeting

Prayer of the Day

Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10, 14-17

Choir Anthem “God of the Ages”, by Pepper Choplin

Children’s Message

Gospel Reading: Mark 4:26-34

Sermon: “We Walk By Faith”

Sermon Hymn: “My Faith Looks Up to Thee”

Prayers and The Lord’s Prayer


Sending Hymn: “On Our Way Rejoicing”

Postlude: “Prelude and Fugue in C”, J.S. Bach


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