
Apr 2021
Divine Love Lives In Us

The 4th Sunday of Easter – April 25, 2021 The size of the Christian Church has been dwindling in recent years. The influence of the church on politics has also diminished. Some academics have theorized that the Christian Church is no longer relevant to people. This misses the fact that faith is not something we decide. Faith is an idea that happens because of God’s influence on our hearts. Even people that reject Christianity share the values that originated with the Christian faith. God can change our hearts and turn us into......

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Strength to Serve
February 06, 2021

Strength to Serve

Summary: There are times in life that we cannot change negative influences in our life. With the right perspective we can be lifted out of our despair, and feel positive inwardly, even when our circumstances...

Advent 4: A Model of Faith
December 18, 2020

Advent 4: A Model of Faith

Summary: Today’s sermon reviews Luke’s account of the Annunciation to Mary. Luke reveals that nothing is too wonderful for God. Luke also assures us that what we are in the world is irrelevant to God’s...

August 9: Overcoming Fear With Faith
August 08, 2020

August 9: Overcoming Fear With Faith

Summary: Pastor Dan discusses the story of Jesus walking on water. He relates this to the fears in our lives, and how our faith in Christ will allow us to overcome these fears. Sunday August...