
Jun 2021
Divine Love Heals

The Fifth Sunday of Pentecost – June 27th, 2021 This Sunday’s service is based on the text from Lamentations. The message for us is that practicing the spiritual discipline of “seeking the Lord” also gives us a greater awareness of “The steadfast love of the Lord,” and that heals our souls of resentment, hatred, and despair when we go through periods of seemingly unjust suffering. Moreover, it keeps our souls (or hearts), healthy and enables us to thrive. Order of Worship Prelude “Great is Thy Faithfulness” by Pam Gervais Greeting Opening Hymn......

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Palm Sunday: God's Response to Suffering
March 28, 2021

Palm Sunday: God’s Response to Suffering

Description: In the early Christian Church, the more that people became Christian martyrs, the faster the church expanded. For Christian’s suffering is not an obstacle to faith, but rather an entry point. When we are...

Lent 4 - Is God Shouting at Us?
March 13, 2021

Lent 4 – Is God Shouting at Us?

Summary: In today’s old testament lesson, we hear of many of the hardships God’s people had to endure after leaving Egypt. Many felt angry and victimized, until Moses was able to secure healing by raising...

Lent 1 - Walking With God
February 20, 2021

Lent 1 – Walking With God

Summary: Today’s bible readings tell of a stress or suffering that result from being obedient to God. In the story of Noah’s Ark, Noah went through a lot to be obedient to God. Like Noah,...

November 22: Identity Politics in Matthew
November 20, 2020

November 22: Identity Politics in Matthew

Summary: In today’s parable from Matthew we once again learn that Jesus identifies with the least in the community, not with the powerful. As Christians, we are called to minister to those who are left...