October 25, 2020 – A Reflection on Faith, Part 2

October 25, 2020 - A Reflection on Faith, Part 2

Summary: Continuing reflections on faith. Faith is a word that can have many different meanings. The English dictionary defines faith as believing in things we do not know – but the bible definition is a bit different. Faith is a way of knowing the grace of Jesus. When we come to faith through God, that faith changes us. Faith means experiencing the changes in our lives due to the work of God. Faith in God’s promises becomes the life giving presence in our lives, that enables us to endure hardship and bear witness to Christ.

Reformation Sunday – October 25, 2020

Order of Worship

Prelude: “Built on a Rock”, by Stephen Lind


Opening Hymn: “A Mighty Fortress”

Prayer of the Day

Old Testament Reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34

Psalm 96, chanted

New Testament Reading: Romans 3:19-28

Anthem: “Jesu, Joy of Mans Desiring”

Gospel Reading: John 8:31-36

Sermon: Continuing Reflections on Faith

Sermon Hymn: “Thy Strong Word”

The Prayers & The Lord’s Prayer

Sending Hymn: “Beautiful Savior”


Postlude: “A Mighty Fortress”, by Franklin Ashdown


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