in Advent
Repent: Justice, Generosity, and Integrity
This Sunday we hear Luke’s continuing story about the preaching of John the Baptist, Luke 3:7-18. John’s message is clear. No one should presume upon their relationship with God. John’s ministry was inviting Jewish people...
in Advent
Creating a Highway to Our Hearts
This Sunday we celebrate the Advent Season with a special jazz worship service featuring a five piece Jazz band. Our Sermon for today is based on the Gospel lesson from Luke chapter 3. John the...
in Advent
The First Sunday in Advent
This Sunday we welcome guest Pastor Tim Philips from St. Matthews Lutheran Church in Walnut Creek. Pastor time is a 3rd generation pastor, serving for over 35 years. Today’s Gospel lesson is from Luke 21:25-36....
in Advent
With Open Eyes
The 3rd Sunday in Advent In today’s gospel reading, John refers to Jesus as the “light.” As the only human being who is also divine, John’s use of the term “light” means that only Jesus...
in Advent
Baptized With the Holy Spirit
The Gospel lesson for today is from the gospel of Mark. Mark’s Gospel does not begin with a story of Jesus’ birth, but with the voice of one crying out in the wilderness: Prepare the...
in Advent
Unintended Consequences
The First Sunday in Advent During today’s Worship Service we will light the first Advent Candle, HOPE. In today’s Gospel reading from Mark chapter 13, Jesus encourages his followers to look forward to the day...
in Advent
Songs of Christmas – Youth Christmas Program
December 18th, 2022 – The 4th Sunday in Advent WE GATHER FOR WORSHIP Prelude: “Jazz Carols”, Michael Hassell Announcements Lighting of the Fourth Advent Candle Gathering Hymn: “The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came” Apostolic Greeting...
in Advent
Stranger to Ourselves
December 11th, 2022 – The Third Sunday in Advent WE GATHER FOR WORSHIP Prelude: “Veni Emmanuel”, Charles Callahan Announcements Lighting of the Third Advent Candle Gathering Hymn: “O, Come, O Come Emmanuel” Apostolic Greeting Hymn...
in Advent
In the End-The Beginning
December 4th, 2022 – The Second Sunday in Advent Just before Jesus begins his public ministry, John the Baptist appears, calling people to mend their ways and speaking of a powerful one who is to...
in Advent
Living in the Assurance
November 27th, 2022 – The First Sunday in Advent Jesus describes his second coming as a sudden, turbulent event that will bring about deep change to our normal, day-to-day lives. Therefore, he urges people to...