Freedom From Paralysis

Freedom From Paralysis

Our bible readings this Sunday all concern the second coming of Christ. In today’s gospel, Jesus tells his disciples that it is not sufficient merely to maintain things as they are. Those who await his return should make good use of the gifts that God has provided them. Though we do not know and cannot calculate the day of Christ’s return, we live faithfully in the here in now as we anticipate the day when we will be given eternal salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.


Prelude: “Harvest Cantata”, J.S. Bach

Welcome and Announcements

Gathering Hymn: “God Is Here”

Apostolic Greeting

Hymn of Praise

Prayer of the Day

First Reading: Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18

Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

Choir Anthem: “Praise to God, Immortal Praise”, Mary Lynn Lightfoot

Children’s Time

Bells of Hope: “Thanksgiving Celebration in G”, Michael Keller

Gospel Acclamation and Gospel: Matthew 25:14-30

Sermon: “Freedom From Paralysis”, Pastor Dan Severson

Sermon Hymn: “You Have Come Down to the Lakeshore”

Apostles Creed

Prayers of Intercession

Offering and Offertory Music: “Now Thank We All Our God”, Charles Callahan

Offering Response and Prayer

The Great Thanksgiving

The Words of Institution

The Lord’s Prayer

Angus Dei

Communion Distribution

Post Communion Prayer


Sending Hymn: “Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ”


Postlude: “Now Thank We All Our God”, Siegfried Karg-Elert


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