God’s Design, Our Hearts

God's Design, Our Hearts

In this Sunday’s lesson from Mark, chapter 10, Jesus is tested by some religious leaders by asking his views on divorce. He answers their inquiry with his view of marriage. As we look at this text, we naturally ask questions about divorce, remarriage, singleness, and other related topics. Pastor Kevin is going to give us an interpretation of what Jesus says which is both clear about God’s intentions and helps us here God’s challenge that “it is not good for men or women to live alone.” We were meant for community, family and friends who unconditionally love and support us.

Come and be invited into a deeper intimacy with God and one another, and a challenge to be God’s light and salt in the world. You may want to read Mark 10:1-16 to prepare for this message.


Prelude: “Communion in G-flat Major” from “Ten Pieces for the Organ” by Theodore Dubois

Welcome and Announcements

Gathering Hymn: “O Sing to God Above”

Apostolic Greeting

Hymn of Praise

Prayer of the Day

First Reading: Genesis 2:18-24

Second Reading: Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12

Choir Anthem: “For the Beauty of the Earth”, words by Folliot Pierpoint, Music by Conrad Kocher

Children’s Time

Gospel Acclamation

Gospel: Mark 10:2-16

Sermon: “God’s Design, Our Hearts” Pastor Kevin Murphy

Sermon Hymn: “Children of the Heavenly Father”

Apostles Creed

Prayers of Intercession

Offertory: “Prima Elevazione RPS”, Carlotta Ferrari

Offering Response and Prayer

The Great Thanksgiving

The Words of Institution

The Lord’s Prayer

Communion Distribution

Post Communion Prayer


Sending Hymn: “O Christ, Our Hope”


Postlude: “Toccata in F”, Dietrich Buxtehude


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