Heartfelt Faith
The texts for this Sunday deal with two issues that were hotly debated during Jesus’ time, and which remain issues of debate today. The first is this: “To whom does God reveal himself as a loving Father? Does he seek all people to walk with him in a bond of love, or, are some predestined and others left out?” The second and more divisive issue is this: “What effect does coming to faith in God as a loving Father have on us?”
Some Christian groups emphasize a moral transformation that faith effects in us. These groups tend to focus on what Christians are called to do in order to make the world a better place. Others focus more on personal spirituality and the creation of faith, hope, and love in our hearts. The task of the church is to formulate its message in a way that includes both aspects of the gospel message – just as Jesus did in his life and teachings.
Prelude: “Three Etudes”, Frederick Delius
Welcome and Announcements
Gathering Hymn: “Seek Ye the Kingdom of God”
Apostolic Greeting
Hymn of Praise
Prayer of the Day
First Reading: Isaiah 56:1, 6-8
Second Reading: Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32
Anthem: “Panis Angelicus”, Cesar Franck
Children’s Time
Gospel Acclamation and Gospel: Matthew 15:10-28
Sermon: “Heartfelt Faith”, Pastor Dan Severson
Sermon Hymn: “Shine, Jesus, Shine”
Apostles Creed
Prayers of Intercession
Offering and Offertory Music: “Country Gardens”, arranged by Percy Grainger
Offering Response and Prayer
The Great Thanksgiving
The Words of Institution
The Lord’s Prayer
Angus Dei
Communion Distribution
Post Communion Prayer
Sending Hymn: “What a Fellowship, What a Joy Divine”
Postlude: “Shine, Jesus, Shine”, Christopher Tambling
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