November 1: What is a Saint?

November 1: What is a Saint?

Summary: What is a saint? The Reformation ushered in a new idea of who could be considered a saint. All who live in Christ are considered saints, but we are also sinners due to the failings of human nature. Therefore, we need to live in Christ, because only Christ bore our sin and rose from the dead, and only Jesus can act as our mediator between us and God. Living in Christ requires discipline, prayer, and the assistance of the Holy Spirit. When we commit to making Christ the center of our lives, we become closer to living in the image of God, and one day we will all wake up to a world where sorrow, grief and death will be no more. This is the promise of All Saints Day.

All Saints Sunday November 1, 2020

Order of Worship

Prelude: “Behold the Host”, by Curt Oliver


Opening Hymn: “For All the Saints”

Prayer of the Day

Gospel Reading: Matthew 23:1-12

Children’s Message

Anthem: “Behold the Host Arrayed in White”

The Sermon: “I Humbly Accept this Reward of Righteous Person of the Year”

Sermon Hymn: “Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service”

All Saints Prayer

Prayers of the Church & The Lord’s Prayer


Sending Hymn: “For All Your Saints, O Lord


Postlude: “For All the Saints”, by Leo Sowerby



  1. Connie Toveurd : November 2, 2020 at 3:12 am

    The sermon All Saints Day was inspiring indeed. Pastor Dan made it clear that our hunger for rightousness and the teachings of Jesus were open for us every day if we prayed and asked and learned. Listen to this sermond to enrich our life in Christ!

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