Obtaining What is Ours Through Christ

Obtaining What is Ours Through Christ

Holy Trinity Sunday June 12th, 2022

Today’s sermon is based on the second lesson from Romans. Paul asserts that through the grace of God in Jesus Christ, our redemption from sin has been accomplished. Jesus’ death wiped out our sins. His resurrection is our promise of life. In his ministry, he overcame and healed all the sources of human brokenness and death. He stilled the storms, forgave sinners, cured the sick, and raised the dead. All these were signs that through faith in Christ, we receive the divine Spirit of love and life, which is the power of healing that is greater than our brokenness. Since nothing can separate us from the love of Christ, we are given the power to endure the periods when sin and evil can tempt us to give up on our devotion to God. Through faith in God’s promises in Christ, we develop hope, and hope strengthens us to live lives of love and persistence in faith. In this way we develop trust in God, and the belief that we will obtain the everlasting life Jesus promised.


Prelude: “Holy, Holy, Holy”, Piet Post


Call To Worship: “When in Our Music God is Glorified”

Gathering Hymn: “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty”

*Apostolic Greeting


*Hymn of Praise

*Prayer of the Day

FIRST READING: Proverbs 81-4, 22-31

SECOND READING: Romans 5:1-5

Choir Anthem: “With a Voice of Singing”, Martin Shaw

Children’s Time

Gospel Acclamation

*GOSPEL: John 16:12-15

Sermon: “Obtaining What is Ours Through Christ” – Pastor Dan Severson

*Sermon Hymn: “Thy Strong Word”

*Apostles Creed

Prayers and The Lord’s Prayer

*The Benediction

*Sending Hymn


Postlude: “Concerto in A”, Bach


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