On Whom Does God’s Favor Rest?
All Saint’s Sunday – During today’s Worship Service we remember the lives of our members that have been called into the church triumphant this past year.
The gospel text for today is the beatitudes from Matthew. When Jesus calls certain people “blessed,” he is saying that God’s favor rests on them. Based on the content of these blessings, it’s clear that he’s speaking to the people of Galilee whose lives have been negatively affected by the tyrannical rule of Herod and Rome. But the blessings not only give hope to the hopeless, they also reflect the values of people who have been healed by faith in God’s grace. The strife and divisions in our world are not healed by doing what is evil, excusing it on the basis of past conflicts. It is healed by speaking the truth in the midst of evil and acting in ways that preserve the value and dignity of all people.
Prelude: “We Pray Now to the Holy Spirit”, Dietrich Buxtehude, “Harvest Home”, Gilbert Martin
Welcome and Announcements
Gathering Hymn: “For All the Saints”
Apostolic Greeting
Hymn of Praise
Prayer of the Day
First Reading: Revelation 7:9-17
Second Reading: 1 John 3:1-3
Choir Anthem: “Give Thanks for Saints”, Text by Martin E. Leckenbusch
Children’s Time
Gospel Acclamation and Gospel: Matthew 5:1-12
Sermon: “On Whom Does God’s Favor Rest?”, Pastor Dan Severson
Sermon Hymn: “Lord Whose Love in Humble Service”
Apostles Creed
Remembering the Saints
Prayers of Intercession
Offertory: “Open My Eyes”, Tune by Clara Scott and Paul Taylor
Offering Prayer
The Great Thanksgiving
The Words of Institution
The Lord’s Prayer
Angus Dei
Communion Distribution
Post Communion Prayer
Sending Hymn: “For All Your Saints, O Lord”
Postlude: “To Deum Laudamus”, Dietrich Buxtehude
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