The Heart of the Gospel
This is Reformation, and it could be that Lutheran Christians could use “reforming” more than continuing to recount what happened at the beginning of the 17th Century in the German Reformation. This week, we invite and challenge you to consider carefully both the Gospel Text (John 8:31-32, and some surrounding context) as well as the first thesis of Luther’s 95 theses, “When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said, ‘Repent,’ he willed the entire life of believers to be one of repentance.”
Pastor Kevin is going to present this with the idea that this is the first-half of the Gospel, and that it provides the bedrock for how we live our daily lives. It’s not about repentance, but hearing the absolution. But we have to hear the next-to-the last word of the Good News before we receive the final word of the Good News.
Prelude: “Aria” from “Partita on Kirken den er et gammelt hus”, Wayne Wold
Welcome and Announcements
Introit: “Fanfare of Praise”, Louise Frier
Gathering Hymn: “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”
Apostolic Greeting
Hymn of Praise
Prayer of the Day
First Reading: Jeremiah 31:7-9
Second Reading: Hebrews 7:23-28
Choir Anthem: “Praise to God, Immortal Praise”, Text by Anna Barbauld, Music by Mary Lynn Lightfoot
Children’s Time
Gospel: Mark 10:46-52
Sermon: “The Heart of the Gospel”, Pastor Kevin Murphy
Sermon Hymn: “Lord Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word”
Apostles Creed
Prayers of the Church
Offertory: “Trio”, Josef Rheinberger
Offering Response: “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow”
The Lord’s Prayer
Sending Hymn: “Word of God, Come Down”
Postlude: “Toccata on A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”, Dr. Gordon Young
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