Who Is In Charge?
The theme for this week is that God has a plan and a purpose for human life and we can be assured of its fulfillment. But what about human freedom? Are we simply puppets? That, of course, is absurd.
The relationship between the fulfillment of God’s plan and human freedom is illustrated by the stories scripture records. But we can’t see the connections unless we look back. Choices made by humans and God’s providential plan become clear when we see how they are connected. For faith enables us to trust God and alleviate our fears concerning what the future holds. God is sovereign and we can stand on this foundation, even in the midst of wars, rumors of wars and other adversities.
Prelude: “Nordic Suite”, Margrethe Hokanson
Welcome and Announcements
Gathering Hymn: “God of Grace and God of Glory”
Apostolic Greeting
Hymn of Praise
Prayer of the Day
First Reading: Isaiah 45:1-7
Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
Choir Anthem: “Stand By Me”, Words and Music by Charles Tindley, Arrangement by Larry Shackley
Children’s Time
Gospel Acclamation and Gospel: Matthew 22:15-22
Sermon: “Who is In Charge?”, Pastor Dan Severson
Sermon Hymn: “O Christ the Same”
Apostles Creed
Prayers of Intercession
The Lord’s Prayer
Offertory: “Arioso”, Noel Rawsthorne
Offering Response and Prayer
Sending Hymn: “Let All Things Now Living”
Postlude: “Procession and Trumpet Voluntary”, William Boyce
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